
Nelly začala škádlit fanoušky o novém albu | Nelly has started teasing about her new album

Včera se instagram Nelly zaplnil asi stovkou jednotlivých obrázků, které dávají smysl až poskládané dohromady. Tyto obrázky jsou nepřímým vodítkem k tomu, co můžeme očekávat od nového alba Nelly. U některých z nich jsou popisky v jedné větě, které mohou znamenat názvy songů z nového alba anebo třeba úryvky z textů některých nových songů. Nejvíce se zatím objevuje "What Happens in Dallas...", a to jak na instagramu, tak na twitteru Nelly. Víme, že Nelly své album dokončila právě v Dallasu, "What Happens in Dallas..." tak může být název hlavního singlu z nového alba anebo upoutávka.


Yesterday, Nelly's instagram filled up with hundred individual pictures, that only make sense after putting all together. The pictures are indirect hints of what we can expect from Nelly's new album. There are also some photo descriptions, usually in one short sentence - they could be the titles of songs from the new album or just pieces of lyrics. The most frequently mentioned and most 'visible' title, not only on Nelly's instagram but also in her twitter bio, is "What Happens in Dallas...". We already know that Nelly finished recording her new album in Dallas, so "What Happens in Dallas..." could be name of the lead single from Nelly's new album or maybe just an introduction to the new era.

Popisky (z obrázků z instagramu) | Photo descriptions (from instagram pics)

Always In Season 
Bound In Feeling
Bound To Create
Falling In Beauty
Fire In The Flower
From The Ground 
Grab The Wheel
Here Begin
I am 
Like Arms Outstretched 
Losing Signal
Never Stop
No More Empty Seats
No Holds
No Scraps
One and Same Together As Apart
Stop Recording
The Movement Of Self
To Be While Not Being
We Are
What am I Trying To Say
Who Do I Know in Dallas
Words Escape Me
Would You Be a Passenger
You Are

Instagramové obrázky | Instagram pictures: